martes, 10 de enero de 2012


Oh please don't judge me for the collage I just wanted to be graphic and express myself through pictoric art

I remember that I found out who Jarvis Cocker was when I was 14 years old. After that I obviously started to listen to his songs that's when I saw the title "Seductive Barry". Barry...The only thing I could see while reading or hearing that name was fats, fats and more fats but nothing about seduction. So I listen to the song like a thousand times and then I read the lyrics another thousand times. Well Barry was still unsexy, Barry was still eating dirty at McDonals, Barry was still not wearing a belt and Barry was still lonely. I'd like to say that after five years this view I have on Barrys has changed but no, it doesn't. I still finding it so hilarious and unreal even if after seen Barry Lyndon I know Barrys can seduce but "Oh those were the old times". So I guess Barrys are yummy men from McDonals. Anyway what I want is meet that Barry cause damn he sounds bloody good.

I open my eyes and you're there,

even better in the flesh it would seem.

I'm so ready and willing and able it's true,

to act out this love scene

and make my dreams come true.

And how many others have touched themselves

whilst looking at pictures off you?

How many others could handle it if all their dreams came true?

I don't expect you to answer straight away,

maybe you're just having an of day

but I need to believe in you.

Yes I do.

Yes I do.

domingo, 31 de julio de 2011


As you all have noticed there's nothing going on here. The reason is that we have moved to other blogs and websites. So you can find us in the following places:

so just go and follow us!!!

martes, 7 de diciembre de 2010

Ode to skins

I'm not the kind of person that is always drunk, taking pills and blabla but I think this drama is ... god and every body should watch it NOW!

PS: visit our tumblr!!!


viernes, 12 de noviembre de 2010

God save Mr.Ash Stymest

It's been a while but that's because I don't give a fuck for this blog, so you may be thinking "What the hell is she doing here then?". Well, I'm here because It was a joke hahahaha OK I know it's not funny at all... You all know that is because I'm a very very busy person (Please read the last quote with Scottish accent).
Today I'm going to introduce you The Guy (Yeah good job! I'm talking about Ash Stymest!) for the unlucky persons that don't know him all I need to say is that He's British the rest is on the pictures so enjoy ( I know you do, don't lie!)
Finally the next time will also talk about British stuff ( Sorry this time you were wrong I'm talking about pudding...)

domingo, 17 de octubre de 2010


First of all sorry for do not post anything for days and days and days x) but it's for a good reason, i'm really bussy with clases at the university, for my driving test, for french and blahblahblah...
But now let's go to the main point! Today's post is about....Drum rolls....MUSIC!!
I wanted to show you two great song, the first one is from Surfer Blood " Floating Vibes" I just discovered them a few weeks ago and I loved them.

The second one is "Echoes" from Klaxons, as good as always!

I hope you like it!


domingo, 12 de septiembre de 2010

The Winter Look

Dispite being really tired because of the week-end here I am showing you The look of the winter. I really like it because it's simple but sofisticated.

miércoles, 8 de septiembre de 2010


So I just decided to write this blog in english even if nobody read it, but I actually think it's better. And if someone cares about my life i'm going to start university in a week which really exites me!! At last i wanted to show you my tumblr so you can check it.